Click on email links to contact key representative or volunteer for any committee:
Executive 2023-2024
Executive Meetings are being held virtually. All members are welcome to attend, if desired.
President | Andrea Wilson |
Vice President | Jan Parker |
Secretary | Christine Lawson |
Treasurer | Marie Malcolm, Lee Ewing |
Past President | Sue Lowell |
Committees 2023-2024
Membership | Janey Marshall Debbie Veldhoen, Val Marus |
Program/Workshops | Karen Biddlecombe Darlene Finch, Jude Grebeldinger, Nancy McMurdo, Lori Lemay, Jennie Starr |
Website | Myrla Bulman |
Karen Biddlecombe | |
Block of the Month | Deb Burton |
Comfort Quilts | Lois Anderson (Chair/ Treasurer) Jeanette Thompson (Secretary), Linda Child, Nona Fellows, Vicki Kay, Donna Thompson, Jan Pinkerton, Bernadine Somogyi |
Publicity | Moira Sarling |
CQA Rep | Jeanette Thompson |
Library | Wendy Egilson Susan Kim-Jones |
Newsletter | Margaret Stewart |
Bus Trips | Sharon Roye |
Quilt Show | Bernardine Somogyi |
Youth Outreach | Vacant |
Retreat Committee | Vacant |
Our History
SCQG Established 1982
In 1982, a group of women on the Sunshine Coast got together to share their love of quilting.
Pat Crucil, an accomplished quilter and teacher, established the first coastal quilt group.