About Us

Click on email links to contact key representative or volunteer for any committee:

Executive 2023-2024

Executive Meetings are being held virtually. All members are welcome to attend, if desired.

PresidentAndrea Wilson
Vice PresidentJan Parker
SecretaryChristine Lawson
TreasurerMarie Malcolm, Lee Ewing
Past PresidentSue Lowell

Committees 2023-2024

MembershipJaney Marshall
Debbie Veldhoen, Val Marus
Program/WorkshopsKaren Biddlecombe
Darlene Finch, Jude Grebeldinger, Nancy McMurdo, Lori Lemay, Jennie Starr
WebsiteMyrla Bulman
FacebookKaren Biddlecombe
Block of the MonthDeb Burton
Comfort QuiltsLois Anderson (Chair/ Treasurer)
Jeanette Thompson (Secretary), Linda Child, Nona Fellows, Vicki Kay, Donna Thompson, Jan Pinkerton, Bernadine Somogyi
PublicityMoira Sarling
CQA RepJeanette Thompson
LibraryWendy Egilson
Susan Kim-Jones
NewsletterMargaret Stewart
Bus TripsSharon Roye
Quilt ShowBernardine Somogyi
Youth OutreachVacant
Retreat CommitteeVacant

Our History

1982 SCQG
1982: Joanne Segate, Florence Doig, Chris Ward, Vera Nelson, Lissi Hemstalk, Kerrin Brookes; Janet Flumerfelt, Pat Crucil, and Pauline Webber (nee Hoene)

SCQG Established 1982

In 1982, a group of women on the Sunshine Coast got together to share their love of quilting.

Pat Crucil, an accomplished quilter and teacher, established the first coastal quilt group.

1985 SCQG
1985: Nancy Jaeger, Joanne Segate, Lissi Helmstalk, Marie Malcolm, Vera Nelson, Chris Ward; Pat Crucil, Ann Fraser (& Brooke born Nov. 84), Kerrin Brookes, Janet Flumerfelt, and Pauline Webber.

Quilters Christmas Celebration 1985

Wedding Gift quilt 1984
Group quilt presented by Pat Crucil to Pauline (nee Hoene) Webber as a wedding gift September 1984.

Wedding Quilt Presentation 1984
