
Showcase Our Quilts Online!

For everyone to see the wonderful projects we all undertake, we will be happy to post pictures of them here — so send them in. Pictures of guild members sewing, socializing or travelling would also be nice; it is a courtesy to have permission from everyone in the photo before sending it in. See submission guidelines below.

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November 2022 Resource Day

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Photo Submission Guidelines (email)

  • Send your photos to .
  • Don’t send them too big. Raw out of your camera makes for very large files and sometimes your e-mail will not take them. If you insist then break them up into sets of 3 or 4 pictures but be sure and send all at the same time (don’t want to start work on your album and have more pictures come in).
  • Don’t make them too small before you send them. Some e-mail programs have reduction standards that make very small pictures for e-mail. Go up one or two sizes. For the non-techie folks, a size that produces a files about 300 to 600 KB is good or about 1024 pixels if it is expressed that way.
  • A caption/title and a short description are good but be clear what caption & description goes with what picture and use simple text – DO NOT use your e-mail for this. Attach a separate text file (Word or whatever).
  • Tip: if you have more than one and want to send them together you can select from your list of files one at a time by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking each picture you wish to send OR if they are together then hold down the Shift key and click the first picture and then the last one in your list.